Sunday, December 19, 2010

Good Resume vs Great Resume

In the name of Allah, the most gracious and the most merciful. Alhamdulillah, with all His wonderful love now I finished my degree at USIM. Struggling too much than others and trying so hard  to give the best for Islam (Ya muqollibal qulub, thabit qalbi) whatever the result come soon, tawakaltu 'ala Allah. Now this is a stage of selling myself to employer or company who needs my ability gifted by Allah in food technology's field.

How to write a good resume instead of bad resume? What is your choice either good or great resume? Of course all of us really need to impress the reader a.k.a the employer with a great resume, right? Below are some advices from my relatives and friends: said "Simple and compact resume"
My cousin, abe alan told me "Keep important and sighnificant info, not from your point of view, but your potential employer. Know what they would be interested with you, on top of the selling points about yourself"

 Now, get ready for your next level of life and keep editing and updating your current resume! To all my fellow friends, have a nice enjoyable moments in your industrial training!


hurul_in said...

salam k.ili..

sihat ke?

moga dimudahkan semua urusan...(",)

bg tips sikit tuk LI nt? hehe~

ili_far said...

LI je=P...y penting show ur interest in ur field n betulkan niat stp kali mulakan lngkh..kite bkn keje tok dunia semata2 k...mtlmt utama kite tok akhrt=) dunia pkerjaan ngn dunia study amat ketara bezanya. Kuatkan smgt! welcome to the real world life^_^