Hi, friends!
Hehehe..today I would like to share with you some scenarios at my house in Nilai. This week was an 'owl week' for most final year student of food biotechnology. Haha. Why the owl got name? Hehehe, most of us stay up till bengkak-bengkak mata kot =P We drove up to gear 5 to speed up our limits to finish all the tasks given before we go home for Hari Raya Idul Adha. Now miegha, muna and aidah already went their hometown and only 5 more left.
9 November 2010
Even we were too busy with our own life, we still want to 'prank' that November Bestday girl too. Hehehe..sorry miegha, you starving to eat rice so much but we didn't cooked. We had already planning to make surprise dinner tonight. No picture of us, because we 'malas' wearing scarf, so you all can't see miegha's face with flour ^_^
9 November 2010
Even we were too busy with our own life, we still want to 'prank' that November Bestday girl too. Hehehe..sorry miegha, you starving to eat rice so much but we didn't cooked. We had already planning to make surprise dinner tonight. No picture of us, because we 'malas' wearing scarf, so you all can't see miegha's face with flour ^_^
Sweet....? Jangan nangis -nangis, umur masih muda =P
Ini bukan pizza buatan sendiri..hehe
Growing old is mandatory but growing up is optinal =P
10 November 2010
Suppose we must submit two hard copies of our thesis writing today. However the submission date was delayed till 15 November. We were at home today trying so hard to make last touch up by our own. I noticed that when we sat in front of our laptops we came to our own worlds. Cakap pun da tak betul! Hahaha. When calculator became stapler, when benang became bawang and when mesin jahit became mesin basuh! What I tought was not went smooth with what I said. Huhu, kantoi! Gabra jugak aku ni =P
Thanks to all Ashabul Kahfi's member for always be by my side, sharing enjoyable moments with all you were so great! I feel like we are like an old friends and we are sisters, right? Marah-marah tu mean that I love soooooo much! Hehe...forgive all my sins to all of you. If I making a joke but at the same time I hurting you, please forgive me. Mulut ni asyik terlepas je, bila da terlontar cakap baru sedar =( Gomenasai!!!
10 November 2010
Suppose we must submit two hard copies of our thesis writing today. However the submission date was delayed till 15 November. We were at home today trying so hard to make last touch up by our own. I noticed that when we sat in front of our laptops we came to our own worlds. Cakap pun da tak betul! Hahaha. When calculator became stapler, when benang became bawang and when mesin jahit became mesin basuh! What I tought was not went smooth with what I said. Huhu, kantoi! Gabra jugak aku ni =P
Thanks to all Ashabul Kahfi's member for always be by my side, sharing enjoyable moments with all you were so great! I feel like we are like an old friends and we are sisters, right? Marah-marah tu mean that I love soooooo much! Hehe...forgive all my sins to all of you. If I making a joke but at the same time I hurting you, please forgive me. Mulut ni asyik terlepas je, bila da terlontar cakap baru sedar =( Gomenasai!!!
wah wah wah wah.....still have time for blogging yaa..hepi birthday to mira..11/11..ic mira..881111-11-...(belakg x ingat..)hehe..what a comey number of ic..hikhik..
When calculator became stapler, when benang became bawang and when mesin jahit became mesin basuh...k.ili became more bolok...kihkihkihkih..
okay k.ili..selamat pulang ke kampung..selamat hr raya aidiladha..bila plak nk dtg umah ore ni? =p
i luv u k.ili..^_^
K.ILi bolokkk..hehe :p
k.ili...sgt lawak bila dgr kisah sebenar "When calculator became stapler, when benang became bawang and when mesin jahit became mesin basuh tadi..hehe..k.ili kena letak dialog2 tu sebenrnya kat dlm entry ni..baru menarik..vocab baru tu..bab kata tikah..kihkih..:-D
hamboi3..gelakkan org no 1 yek!
Saje je nk test ahli umah len alert x..ke still dlm tesis msg2 je..hehe..sometimes laugh is a best medicine too
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