Assalamualaikum.....hangpa tau dak kami pi musafir kat Penang minggu lepaih? hehehe..ate bile si celop chemor plus tupak mau ckp utagha.....(hancussss)
I'm too exhausted to story more...just let the pictures tell the story. Sometimes pictures speak louder than words =D
Penang Mai, here we come!
1st time I'd seen this scenery...caya lah pak cik bas!
Jambatan Pulau Pinang's Scenery
Sampai sudah! From USIM to USM
Booth Set up
Our SV turun padang gives her fullest supports to USIM's student.
I remebered Asila told me that she was really envied with our energetic Assoc. Prof Zaiton entertained all of us equally
Judging Day...Lets do the best, friends.
I really enjoyed this teamwork's spirit! Thumb up to Teha and Ain J
Sempat posing after presentation finished! My sis pun datang cheer me up=)
Day 3: Open to public and agencies
Lecturers and staffs
Night's view at Penang
Natioanl Research Innovation Competitio 2011
Booth set down
All praises to Allah...USIM got 5 medals and 1 bronce
Bertolak pulang....
Hujan emas di negeri orang hujan batu di negeri sendiri=)
Kembara menikmati keagongan Al-Khaliq
Berjalanlah !Bermusafirlah! Melihat kebesaran Tuhan yang Satu
Last pic reramai before bertolak pulang...
Sweet memories before I graduated from USIM
Thanks to all of you=)
That was my writing last week. Baru sakarang I berkesempatan edit post. Sorry, kawan. Disebabkan kekangan waktu yang dicipta sendiri I bukanlah 'istiqamah blogger'=P
Halal Executive training dah masuk bulan kedua. Masih banyak lagi madah penting yang belum di'cover'. Namun yang dah cover pon I x sempat study semua lagi. Mohon kepada diri sendiri agar lebih fokus dan alert dengan tugasan/amanah yang diberikan.
Minggu ini homesick sikit. Dah lama tak berpisah ngan parents,my younger sis and arwah 'mek'. Lantas menyedekahkan Al-fatihah dan menghadiahkan setiap bacaan suci Kalam Allah kepada almarhumah. Also teringat kenangan di Maahad dahulu kala. Even samar-samar I really missing u all guys!
Tahniah to
habibalwafiy and
baidurinurani...insyaAllah, kalian akan terus thabat dalam menimba ilmu Ilahi. Even kita bukan di tempat yang sama langit yang kita lihat tetap serupa. Sejujurnya kalian tahu I jealous! Don't worry, Ili. Jejak langkah kalian akan kuturuti jua. Ehehehe=)
To my beloved sis, cik
sufi al faruqi....the very best of luck!!! Keep in touch and be proud to be yourself. We have Allah. Inna Allaha ma'ana<((^_^))> if I turun KK kita jumpa yek! Rindu kamu and Sidratul.
Masih samar-samar mencari jalan masa hadapan. InsyaAllah, He'll guides me and all my friends to the right path. Jumpa lagi in the next post!
Ain...Allahu hafizuki. Cepat sembuh, rindu taujihat dari kamu=)
One more thing...tadi dapat panggilan dari nephew(farihah dah almost 3 years old) sangat memeranjatkan! Segala rindu and nausea disebabkan too exhausted punya schedule dah hilang! Sebab tu boleh update blog=P
Opsss..ada lagi satu! hehehe...Lu'lu dah ada Marjan! Cepat-cepatlah aktif anak umi^_^