Sunday, July 25, 2010

Hidup lagi???

Pejam celik pejam celik dah 13 syaaban=)

Too many things happen in a few days after new semester had came. Housemates involved in an accidents (It was a nightmare to them,so do I...huhu), starting this semester with no scholarship from JPA anymore (now I'm using PA&MA scholarship...oh,don't forget my BRO&SIS help me out from this finance problem too. Thanks,guys), registration problem (as usual), repairing sis's car, appoinment with specialist and so on. I know everybody have their own problem. So NO need for me to feel bad about all of these stuffs because this is life sholud be. With problem, we can figure out Allah's love. Just think positive and smile=)

I'm glad that we are still alive! Alhamdulillah. We can still breathing with the same oxygen at the at the same atmosphere in the same world. Even there is NO full stop for Dunia matter, do not forget abaout Akhirat matter because as a Muslim we want both, right??? Syaaban is almost half. Ramadhan will be coming soon. Are we preparing ourselves to face Ramadhan month with humbleness and full of slave's feeling (btol ke rasa kehambaan in English ni? hantam sajalah!anyone please correct my english)

Therefore, lets push up our limits in doing more ibadahs and all works because of Allah. Thanks God we still living in this world to correct all the mistakes that we had done.


hurul_in said...

yeah...k.ili kuat...!!

you can do it even there are a lot of problem you need to face.

seorang hamba~ said...

"Sesiapabangun mendirikan solat sunat & dan menghidupkan malam itu dengan banyak zikir, doa. selawat, tasbih, membaca Quran & sebagainya Allah akan bukakan 300 pintu Rahmat & doanya tak akan ditolak" (Hadith)
-15 Syaaban-
Kita digalakkan berpuasa dan melakukan amalan yang baik. Tak rugi sesen pon buat benda baik. Perbetulkan niat, insyaAllah dapat saham akhirat=)
Smile n selamat beribadah!

hurul_in said...

terima kasih k.ili perkongsian hadis...selamat beribadah..:-)